May 21, 2010, Newsletter Issue #32: Manage Stress with Deep Breaths

Tip of the Week

The job search can place an extreme amount of stress on all of us, often marked by shallower and faster breathing than what is considered normal. Remember to counter this stress with deep "belly breathing." With each breath, we expel carbon dioxide and take in oxygen. Instead of taking full breaths most of us typically engage in more shallow breathing, using the muscles of our chest instead of our abdomen, when we are in an anxious state.

When we practice rythmic breathing, we literally calm ourselves down by inducing a state of relaxation. In belly breathing, Begin by lying flat on the floor and placing your hands gently over your stomach. As you inhale, feel your stomach expand. When you breathe out, your abdomen goes back in. Try to inhale for a slow count of 4, following by a slight pause before exhaling to the same count. At first, try for 5 minutes of this deep breathing. Eventually, work your way up to 20 minutes. You may even want to do a slower count of breathing, taking a few more seconds for each inhale and exhale. You'll be amazed at how much calmer you feel.   

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